Get your NY State Pistol Permit
The New York State Pistol Permit application process can be confusing and overwhelming. New York has some of the toughest laws and regulations for concealed carry pistol permits.

Application Assistance
Use our Online Questionnaire to quickly and easily provide the information needed to complete your State and County applications.
Our team of trained professionals will review your application and provide guidance as needed to ensure a complete and through application

Firearms / Safety Training
Parabellum is an approved instructor for the new NY State 16-hr Handgun safety / Training class.
Our class includes classroom sessions, a state-of-the-art shooting simulator, and the Live Fire Qualification.

Semi-Auto Rifle Permit
New York State currently requires a permit in order to purchase all semi-automatic rifles.
The permit process varies by County. Please feel free to contact us for more information or assistance.
Who are you?We are Parabellum Firearms Training based in Brewster, NY. We have over 20 years of combined experience assisting individuals in obtaining their pistol licenses and learning how to safely handle firearms.
Is the permit process complicated?The licensing process may appear overwhelming. We have developed a simple system to help you through the process. You start by answering some online questions. We use that information to assist you in completing the application package with all necessary forms and supporting documents. We are the fastest and most effective way to apply for a NY pistol permit.
How long does it take to get a pistol permit?Our system helps clients quickly generate all the necessary documents to apply for a pistol permit. Each County has a different process and times vary. For example, Westchester County requires you to schedule an appointment to submit your application and get fingerprinted. They also require that your application packet is complete before scheduling the appointment. Once you submit the paperwork to your County, it can take 3-6 months to approve or deny your pistol license.
Do I need special training?New York State requires a 16-hour firearms safety course including live fire training. This course must be delivered by NY State approved instructors. Our team includes licensed and insured professional instructors who are approved to conduct the NYS 16-hr course. We provide cost effective group classes, or can schedule private classes based on your needs. We also provide all levels of firearms training including marksmanship and advanced self defense tactics. Please see the training page of this website for more information.
Is the permit process complicated?Counties have instructions that are difficult to understand. Westchester County's application is almost 40 pages long spread over 7 different forms. Their separate instruction booklet is 46 pages alone. If your application is submitted with missing or incorrect information, it can be sent back to you, delayed for months, or denied. Our team has the experience to fully review your application to make sure it meets all State and County requirements. If you have any convictions or negative interactions with the criminal justice system, we can help you. Our process includes obtaining necessary letter of explanation, and letters of disposition to help support your application.
Do I need to buy a handgun to apply for a license?Some counties, like Westchester require applicants to conditionally own a firearm before a firearm license can be issued. This means purchasing a handgun which is then stored with the selling dealer until your permit is issued, or co-registering a handgun that belongs to any person with a pistol license that resides in your home. Parabellum is a fully licensed firearms dealer. We can help you find the handgun that is right for you, or assist you with the co-registering process.
What do you do with my information?Your personal information is kept confidential. It is not shared with any other agencies or authorities. We do not sell any of your information to anyone. We are a Federal and State licensed company and abide by all regulations regarding personal information.
Is your work guaranteed?Our system is the simplest and quickest way to obtain your pistol permit. We provide easy to follow instructions. We review all your documents and ensure that they comply with State and County rules. You will only be charged AFTER your forms are completed. We have a long track record of helping people successfully get their permits throughout NY State and New York City.
I made some mistakes when I was younger. Can I still apply?We are very experienced in assisting people with prior convictions or other complications. We guide you through explaining past situations. If you have any convictions or negative interactions with the criminal justice system, we can help you. Our process includes obtaining necessary letter of explanation, and letters of disposition to help support your application. We review your initial response to our confidential questionnaire for FREE. We will then let you know if you are eligible to get a pistol permit and how we can assist you.
I have already been fingerprinted for other reason. Do I have to get new fingerprints for my application?YES All Counties require that you get fingerprinted by one of their law enforcement agencies. School teachers, coaches and employees of federal agencies are NOT exempt from this requirement .
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